Thursday, September 24, 2015

Brownie Points

We filled up our first brownie point pan today. We earn rewards every time we fill up a pan. Today we earned suckers! When we fill the pan up 3 times we earn a class party! 

We earn brownie points by following our five golden rules:
1. Listen when someone is talking.
2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
3. Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
4. Take care of our school and classroom.
5. Work and play safely and quietly. 

We also earn brownie points by demonstrating our school values:
Excellence in all we do. 
Mentoring and taking Pride in who we are and what we can achieve through our actions, words and ideas. 
Empathy and Kindness towards others. 
Respect for ourselves, each other, our school and community. 
Accountability for our choices and Responsibility for our actions. 
Learning in a positive, safe environment. 
Diversity of each individual in an inclusive setting. 

Good job grade 2's! I am so proud of you. 

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