Monday, March 30, 2015

Brownie Points!

We filled up our 3rd brownie point tray!! Which meant...the students got to pick a BIG prize. They voted on having a period of "free time." 
Some of the students played in the sensory bins, some played dress up and others put on a puppet show! After, I surprised them with a brownie treat! Good job everyone! 

Kindergarten Center Time

Today the kindergartens rotated through three centers. This month's discovery center is a construction sensory bin and a garden sensory bin! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Star Student

Star Student: March 23rd-March 30th.

Our Environment

This week we started a thematic environment unit. Throughout this unit the students will be exploring air, water, soil, energy, clouds, wind, helping the environment, and the 3 R's (reduce, reuse, recycle). We will also be doing a book study on The Lorax. 

On Monday, we learned about air. The students remembered that air is a gas...It takes up space and is invisible! We brainstormed everything we already know about air. 

1. We breathe air.
2. We can blow air out and make things move.
3.  It helps us fly kites.
4. We can see the wind blowing air against trees and grass.
5. You can sometimes feel air.
6. Air can fill balloons. 
7. Plants add oxygen to the air. (We need to take care of plants as they keep the air healthy). 
8. Air is a NEED...all living things need it to live. 

Then, we discussed if air is always the same. This brought us back to what we learned in our matter unit. In our matter unit, we learned that air sometimes contains water vapour and sometimes it doesn't. The moisture in the air is called humidity. Other gases mix with air, some we can see and some we can't (smoke, smog). Is air always the same temperature? Sometimes air is very cold and sometimes it is hot. We did a quick experiment to show that all the air in the classroom is NOT the same temperature. We used a thermometer to test the temperature at the floor and the ceiling. We saw that the temperature was warmer at the ceiling. This is because warm air rises. 

On Tuesday, we reviewed the 3 states of matter. Then, we learned about wind and weather. What is wind? Can you make wind? We reviewed that warm air rises. If warm air outdoors is rising very quickly, as it sometimes does, the cooler air rushes in to take its place. This causes wind. 

After, we learned about clouds. We learned that cumulous clouds have a flat base and a puffy top. We often see cumulous clouds on sunny days. Cumulonimbus clouds are very large. The puffy tops go very high in the sky. The base may be very dark in colour. Often rain and lightning come from these clouds. Stratus clouds are like a gray blanket. They are usually low in the sky. Cirrus clouds are very high in the air. They are thin and wispy. Precipitation falls from clouds (rain, snow, sleet and hail). 

On Thursday, we learned about "wild" winds. First, we brained stormed a list of different storms (hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, floods). Then we watched a few brain pop videos on thunderstorms, tornados and hurricanes! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Robert Munsch Puppet Show

Thank you to Wide Open Children's Theatre for putting on a great puppet show! We LOVED it! 

For more information check out:

Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Art

On Wednesday the grade 1/2's made spring bunnies and the kindergartens made Easter eggs with paint! 

Mystery Reader

Thank you to our mystery reader for bringing us donuts! They were delicious. 


This week we learned about fire safety and emergencies. 

First, we read "Fire Safety," by Peggy Pancella. Then, we made a list of safety tips. 
1. Fires are dangerous. Do not hide--get outside!
2. Be safe around smoke. Stay low and go!
3. Learn your escape plan and teach it to anyone who cares for you at home, such as babysitters.
4. Keep a flashlight near your bed in case you have to escape in the dark.
5. Hang a list of emergency numbers near your telephone.
6. Adults can use fire extinguishers to put out small fires. 

Then we made a mini fire safety booklet! For homework, everyone had to come up with a fire safety plan with their family. 

The next day, we read, "Stop, Drop and Roll," by Margery Cuyler. We learned that if your clothes catch fire you should STOP, DROP and ROLL; We practiced this a few times.
After, we did a craft! The grade 1's and 2's wrote about how they can stay safe around fires and the kindergartens made a fire dog! 

On Friday we finished our Safety unit! We learned about emergencies. In groups, we discussed...

1. What is an emergency?
2. What should you do in an emergency?
3. Who helps in an emergency?
4. When should you call 911?
5. What should you do if you don't know if something is an emergency?

After discussing these questions we played an emergency card game. For this game we had to decide if certain scenarios were emergencies or not. Then we did role plays to show what to do if you are involved in an emergency! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


This week we started our measurement unit in math! Today we had math centers. 

Center 1: Make snakes that are different lengths, then sort them according to size.

Center 2: Making paper airplanes. Whose plane traveled the furthest? 

Center 3: Scavenger Hunt. 


On Monday, we reviewed the properties of a liquid. Then, we learned about density by making a density tower! We poured corn syrup, dish soap, water (dyed purple), vegetable oil and rubbing alcohol into a tall container. After the layers settled, we noticed that the liquids divided into sections. We learned that some liquids are denser or heavier than others and some are close to the same and will mix. Some liquids have more air in them and are therefore lighter. 

After, we did a "dancing raisins" experiment. First, everyone predicted whether the raisins would float or sink. Then, we put the raisins in the sprite. We noticed that the raisins danced from the bottom to the top! We saw that the gas bubbles rose to the surface. At first the raisins sunk, but then the tiny bubbles of gas attached themselves to the raisin and made it rise to the top. At the top the bubbles break into air and then the raisin sinks again. 

On St. Patricks day, we baked cupcakes. We learned that when we are baking we use a mixture of solids and liquids. When everything is mixed together it turns into a liquid; then after it is baked it turns into a solid! We reviewed that temperature can affect some states of matter! After, we decorated our cupcakes green! We also made ice cream floats! A float has all 3 states of matter. The pop is the liquid, the ice cream is the solid and the carbon is the gas! We decided to make a "toast" to it seems to be everyones favourite subject! 

We also read "Bartholomew and the Oobleck." Can something be a liquid and a solid? We made oobleck to find out the answer to this question. The oobleck behaved like a solid and a liquid depending on how much pressure was applied. You can form a solid ball in your hand with it, but as soon as your release it it flows between your fingers and turns into a liquid! 

On Wednesday, we had a final quiz to end the unit! Everyone got 100%!