Friday, June 27, 2014


The students have been working hard on their ocean animal posters! They finally completed their research, posters and presentations on Wednesday. 

Each student chose an ocean animal they were interested in learning about and they were split into groups accordingly.  They had to work with their group to research their animal and organize their information appropriately. The students used a variety of non-fiction stories and the internet to help find specific information. They learned how to use a table of contents, an index and a glossary to find information in a book. I guided them through this process but they did most of this project independently! I am very proud of how well the groups cooperated! 

After the students were finished their research they worked very hard on their posters! 

Finally they presented their learnings to the class! 

Great job grade 1's and 2's! I am so proud of how hard you worked on your posters. 

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