Monday, February 4, 2019

Daily Five

We have been building stamina during our Daily 5 rotations. We are now reading for 15 minutes! 

So far we have learned Read To Self. We discussed what good fit books are & three ways to read a book (read the pictures, read the words, retell a previous read book). Before beginning read to self we review the I-chart we created last week. This I-chart helps students understand the expectations of what they are to be doing during read to self. During read to self the students are allowed to sit anywhere in the room to read their book box (good fit) books, they are allowed to use our critters from the "Critter Cafe" to help them read, and they can use any reading tools I provide to help them concentrate (head phones, whisper phones).  

We have also practiced Read To Someone. During read to someone students have to seat EEKK (Elbow to elbow, knee to knee, I'll read to you and you'll read to me. Elbow, to elbow, knee to knee, book in the middle so we can both see), and the students are allowed to sit anywhere in the room. 
We learned that there are three ways we can read with our partner...
1. I read one page, you read one page.
2. We each read a story and do rock paper scissors to see who reads first.
3. Choral read a story.  
We also learned how to practice "coaching or time". If a partner comes to a word they don't know, the other partner counts silently to 3 and asks if they want coaching or time. If they want coaching they use clues to help their partner, if they want time, then they sit patiently and wait. We also discussed the importance of checking for understanding while reading. "Repair Bear" from our Critter Cafe helps us with this reading strategy. The students have check-marks that they use to remind them that they need to know the 5 W's when reading (who, what, when, where, why).

We also learned "Listen To Reading," in Daily Five. During Listen To Reading... the students go on RAZ kids using the iPads. First, they have to listen to the story, then they read the story and then they do a comprehension quiz. 

Word Work:
For Word Work the students practice their weekly words OR if we are learning a specific rule they work on those words. I put out a variety of materials and they can choose what they would like to work with. They can use white boards, wikki-stix, play-doh, bingo dabbers, macaroni, word blocks, and stamps.  White boards seem to be a big hit! 

We have now learned 4/5 stations so we are able to have rotations! Since we are just beginning Daily Five I choose which station the students go to, but hopefully as time goes on the students become independent enough to make their own choice on what station they go to. 

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